Hey Sisters! We want to thank you for this Women's History Month. Thank you for giving back to your community and working to move society forward as future healthcare professionals. What is equally as important is rest. You cannot pour out of an empty cup. Self-care doesn't mean a spa day or a hair appointment, although those are lovely! Self-care is an opportunity to rest your mind, whether to nap, journal your thoughts, or garden and do what calms and centers you. I enjoy baking, reading, and writing. Taking the opportunity to turn inward helps you identify passions that you have outside of an academic arena. As a senior in high school, it is better to give your mind and body a well-needed break instead of being burnt out the last two months of senior year!
Below are my top self-care recommendations:
Going for A Walk Outside
Mindfulness and meditation
Listen to some music
Write a gratitude list
Stretch your body
Have a digital detox
Watch your favorite movie
Write a letter to your future self
Organize and clean your room
Practice some positive affirmations
Try a new recipe
Create a vision board
Draw or color
Create a Bucket list
Rest is different for everyone. For some, rest could be cleaning, while others find that to be too taxing. You know yourself but take time to better understand yourself and aid your community in giving back to you.
